Jiwoo Shin
School of Art – BFA4 – Art
Between dream & reality, fantasy & delusion
The inevitability of death that comes with the existence of time Reborn from dissolution of death
Loss of humanity and restoration Illusion of the American dream Artificial Paradise / Sickening Utopia
Pleasure and pain, desire for indulgence Unraveling the dark side of humanity Fetishes & obsession
The Cult of Pleasure / Devouring filth Psychotic women
Pain and thirst
Fight for survival in the modern dystopia Life is masochistic
Whores are so Holy Love is such a plague
Just because it ended doesn’t mean it wasn’t real. Mental nausea
Somehow bad memories stay forever and the good memories fade away Why love if you won’t obsess?
Deep anguish, frustration, desperation, disappointment, regret, and longing. Death and violence. Freedom. rebirth. Can’t govern beauty so destroy it.
Ugliness/ beauty